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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

East Mountain AYSO - Region 671


Volunteers Make AYSO Possible 

Over 200 children participate in our East Mountain AYSO Soccer organization. Providing a positive and organized environment for all these players requires dozens of volunteers each doing their part. Every year we have many open positions - for coaches, assistant coaches, referees, staff positions, board members, field lining, etc. If you want to contribute even just a little bit of your time, we need you! There is nothing so fulfilling as watching children learn and grow.

But I don't know anything about soccer!

You don't have to be a soccer expert; most volunteers just starting with AYSO knew very little about the game. All you need is a positive attitude.

East Mountain AYSO Region 671 will provide the training you need to succeed in your position. All the tools and classes are free! We also provide contacts and mentors who can answer your questions and help you get started. 

We need volunteers in the following areas :

1. Corporate Sponsorships for the region

2. Equipment manager

3. Marketing/Publicity help (passing out flyers to schools etc.)

4. Social Media advertising help

Email [email protected] for more info!

Every team must provide: 

▪   AYSO Certified Coach 

▪   AYSO Certified Assistant Coach 

▪   At least one AYSO Certified referee

▪   A field liner 


National Partners

Contact Us

East Mountain AYSO - Region 671

PO Box 2286 
Tijeras, New Mexico 87059

Email Us: [email protected]
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