Team Programs
Core Program
At the core of what we do is our standard primary program: youth soccer for players from age 4 to age 18.
We have a Playground Division for our 3 year olds that are coach/parent/player led. Skills and small sided games are common during a Saturday session. Most likely will occur in Albuquerque.
We also have multi-age age group for 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U. (6U means under six-age 4 and 5, etc.)
AYSO takes a progressive approach to soccer, with the 5U game being very simple and the number of players, size of the fields, and the modifications of the laws of the game changing as they build up to the full 11-a-side game at 14U.
For our players, the season begins with a call from the coach sometime two to four weeks before the season begins. In that call, the coach announces when and where the team meeting will be held, when practices happen, and when the games will be. Then the team gets together for two or three weeks of practices before the first of ten games. Those games will take place on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.
AYSO United
AYSO United is AYSO’s most competitive program and plays against “club” teams in the Duke City Metro League. United teams are formed through tryouts at the end of the spring season. United teams play the against the City's club teams and against other United teams instead of the regular AYSO schedule. They also play in tournaments during and after the season. AYSO United believes in the AYSO Philosophies and every player will play at least 1/2 of every regular season and tournament game.
The AYSO Very Important Players soccer program is for challenged players ages 5 to adult with physical, mental, or developmental limitations. Elementary, Middle School, High School, and Adult players are eligible. Players are placed on teams based on their size and ability. Buddies are encouraged to assist players on the field.
Visit Albuquerque's AYSO Region 104 web site for more information.
Other Programs
Summer Soccer Camp
UK International Soccer Camps, Inc. was established in 1990. Since that time they have developed an excellent reputation and have become the largest provider of soccer instruction throughout the Western United States. UK's goal is to provide "The Best Possible Soccer Experience." This is achieved through their values of safety, professionalism, education and fun. UK has designed an educational curriculum that focuses on the different levels of child development.
The UK Soccer Camps for EMSL are usually held in late July or early August. Check back for more information as that date approaches.
For questions or to offer assistance, inquiries can be directed to [email protected]. Visit for more information and to register online.
Additional summer camps are available from the Soccer Academy and Albuquerque AYSO Region 104.
Albuquerque camps are usually held at Montgomery Park. Hours are typically, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Visit Albuquerque's AYSO Region 104 web site for more information

Team Programs
Core Program
At the core of what we do is our standard primary program: youth soccer for players from age 4 to age 19. We have single age teams starting with four-year olds (called U5 because they are "under five years old" on July 31 before the season starts). We also have a single-year age group for U6 and multiyear age groups for U8, U10, U12 and U14. We help connect U19 high school aged kids together for car-pool purposes to play in town. If you have any question about what division your child should be playing in, see the What's My Division page.
AYSO takes a progressive approach to soccer, with the U5 game being very simple and the number of players, size of the fields, and the modifications of the laws of the game changing as they build up to the full 11-a-side game at U14. For the details see the At-a-Glance page.
For our players, the each season begins with a call from the coach sometime two to four weeks before the season begins. In that call, the coach announces when and where the team meeting will be held, when practices happen, and when the games will be. Then the
team gets together for two or three weeks of practices before the first of eight games. Those games happen on eight consecutive Saturdays in the fall or spring. Occasionally, the league will take a break in the spring for Easter, but that depends on the spring break and Memorial Day holidays.
AYSO EXTRA, a progressive player program, is designed for players who have the interest, skills and abilities and want to enhance their experience and individual growth through soccer while retaining the spirit of and organization membership in AYSO. The EXTRA program embraces the Six Philosophies of AYSO.
EXTRA teams are chosen by tryouts at the end of the spring season for play in the following season. Games are played in Albuquerque against other AYSO EXTRA teams. This program is the next step up from the core program
For players in the core and EXTRA program who are ready to play more competitive soccer, we offer Advanced Competition Teams (ACT). ACT teams have tryouts to select players during the fall season, then practice together and play in tournaments during and after the regular soccer season. ACT players continue to play on their regular season teams in addition to their ACT teams. ACT is a great way for players to play lots of soccer in addition to their 16 game seasons, play with and against better players, and get a chance to play soccer at a more competitive level.
AYSO United
The most competitive program in AYSO is the Challenge Teams Program. Challenge teams are formed through tryouts at the end of the spring season. Challenge teams play the against the City's club teams instead of the regular AYSO schedule and in tournaments during and after the season. Historically, the East Mountains have not had enough players to field a challenge teams in addition to the EXTRA and ACT teams.
The AYSO Very Important Players soccer program is for challenged players ages 5 to adult with physical, mental, or developmental limitations. Elementary, Middle School, High
School, and Adult players are eligible. Players are placed on teams based on their size and ability. Buddies are encouraged to assist players on the field. Visit Albuquerque's AYSO Region 104 web site for more information.
Other Programs
Summer Soccer Camp
UK International Soccer Camps, Inc. was established in 1990. Since that time they have developed an excellent reputation and have become the largest provider of soccer instruction throughout the Western United States. UK's goal is to provide "The Best Possible Soccer Experience." This is achieved through their values of safety, professionalism, education and fun. UK has designed an educational curriculum that focuses on the different levels of child development.
The UK Soccer Camps for EMSL are usually held in late July or early August. Check back for more information as that date approaches.
For questions or to offer assistance, inquiries can be directed to Visit for more information and to register online.
Additional summer camps are available from the Soccer Academy and Albuquerque AYSO Region 104.
Albuquerque camps are usually held at Montgomery Park. Hours are typically, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Visit Albuquerque's AYSO Region 104 web site for more information